I am a urologist who has developed an interest
in the tools of Jewish ritual circumcision (brit milah). Some
of these tools are rather ornate.
I've noticed, however, that there is very little information
on the web regarding these instruments. It seems
odd--when these items are occasionally auctioned, there seems to be a lot of interest.
Therefore, I present to you CircCentral, my collection of
antique circumcision tools. This
site should also be of interest if you would like to learn more about the Jewish
circumcision ritual.
At first I bought most of
these items on eBay. I later learned that some of them
are counterfeit. Unfortunately, eBay is full
of counterfeit items--just one look at the auctiontrack website will show you that.
If you know
anything about an item, please email me (CircCentral
yahoo dot com).
As this
site expands, I would like to post items from other
collectors. If you share my interest, do not hesitate to
contact me.
Thank you.
Rob Lehrer
yahoo dot com

Copyright 2006-2015, Robert Lehrer, MD
CircCentral circumcision
bris brit bris milah brit milah circumcision knife
circumcision tool circumcision shield mohel circ
circumcision cup Judaica auction counterfeit antique
silver Jewish Judaism bris mila brit mila